Finding images that match your color scheme can be time-consuming, so we've compiled a list of our favorite image search tools that allow filtering by color for more refined results.
TinEye Lab's Multicolr Search Engine remains the top choice. You can search Flickr's vast collection by selecting up to 5 different colors, and further narrow the results using text tags.
Google Image Search has a powerful yet often overlooked feature—filtering by color. In the navigation bar, click on 'Search Tools' and use the color dropdown to refine your search.
Designspiration is a go-to resource for art, web, and graphic inspiration. Its color search feature allows you to query the image base with up to 5 colors. It's simply awesome.
Shutterstock Spectrum allows you to search Shutterstock's enormous image library using a color filter. Even if you're not planning to buy images, it's worth trying for beautiful results.